Monday, December 17, 2007

Florida Property Tax Reform

I went to a meeting recently about the proposed Florida constitutional amendment on January 28, 2008.

What were going to be voting on isn't as good as it was once thought but it is a start. According to the representative who did the presentation the Florida Real Estate Association supports it as a first step and if it doesn't pass would mean tax reform could not be implemented until 2009 tax bills are issued.

There are 5 points:

Portability of accumulated Save Our Home benefits.

An additional $25,000 in Homestead Exemption.

Creates a 10% annual assessment cap for ALL non-homestead properties.

Creates a new Tangible Property Exemption of $25,000 for business properties.

Requires an annual appropriation to fiscally constrained counties to offset revenue reduction that results from the constitutional amendment.

For more detail check Whip Policy Brief - Property Tax Reform

Hope you have all your shopping done.

Rob Skeel Realtor

Century 21 Prestige Realty Group



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