Thursday, December 6, 2007

Chriistmas Season in the Florida Keys

The Christmas decorations are starting to appear all around the Upper Keys and by December 25th the whole area will be lite up.

While this is going on the fishing reports from "Skippy" keep coming in telling of good Yellowtail fishing but not much in the way of Sailfish yet. The charter boats need some customers and the captains are trying to bring in customers with a variety of offers.

We had a cold front come through and the temperatures are in the high 70's or low 80's so its quite pleasant.

With the weak dollar this is a great time for you foreign buyers to consider property in the Keys. The valuation of the Euro and Canadian dollar make purchasing a home or second home here very attractive considering the large inventory of property available.

As always I'm here to assist you in your search so please let me know when your coming to visit and exactly what kind of property your seeking and I will do my best to find it for you.

Rob Skeel Realtor

Century 21 Prestige Realty Group



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