Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Buy Now

The time to buy is now if you have the financial resources and don't require a low down payment loan or if your a cash buyer.

In the past week a number of properties have closed and there are more buyers in the Upper Keys than there has been for quite some time. The inventory of homes for sale is tremendous and sellers are coming to the realization that they must be prepared to negotiate a fair price to get a property sold.

The news media hasn't helped with all the doom and gloom. If we all follow the media hype like lemmings to the sea we will be in a recession before we know it. The people that act now while interest rates are still reasonable will be able to buy at a decent price their own piece of paradise while the others who sit on the fence will see their opportunities evaporate.

The local market conditions are especially good for a serious buyer. If your really ready to buy come on down and see for yourself!

Click here to see whats available


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