Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Real Estate Information

The real estate market continues to decline according to some sources while others state the worst is behind us and we will see improvement by year end.

Who do you believe? If your buying for the future and plan to be using your home for a number of years, then the time to buy is now while the interest rates are still low. Rates have went up a half point in the last two weeks and signs are that they will move up some more. Another thing to consider is the current rate relief the government has in place may expire at year end.

Its difficult to sort out but if your planning to buy property in Paradise you should do it while inventory is high and interest rates are low.

Many realtors are telling sellers, if you don't need to sell you may want to take your property off the market. If they do it will reduce inventory and there won't be as many properties to choose from and prices should start to creep up.

I'm here to help you. So, if you want to discuss your situation or get assistance in finding the right property for you, please contact me.

Below are a couple of articles which provide information you may find helpful.


Higher gas and food prices, continued declines in housing prices and last month's large increase in unemployment caused Florida's consumer confidence to fall six points in June to 57. The UF survey notes, however, that housing prices seem to have hit bottom in some areas of the state.


The federal mortgage rescue plan could pass the Senate as soon as today; however, President Bush is threatening a veto and Democrats are fighting each other over key details, which will probably delay any final deal until mid-July.

Articles from Florida Association of Realtors

Rob Skeel


Century 21 Prestige Realty Group


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